Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Skittish Sam

So, I have to rant a bit here. I got most of it off my chest yesterday by sending an e-mail my great friend Alabaster Mom. So the humane society called me. They have a 9 month old male boxer named Sam that they asked if we could take. Of course I said, what's wrong with him. I mean if he was perfect, they would adopt him out. So, he needs some TLC, which we can give him over the stinky cold shelter. His previous owner is in jail, for animal abuse. The guy held the dog up by the throat and punched and kicked him for peeing in the house. UGH UGH! That just really pisses me off. I mean, a poor defenseless dog, well - I guess the dog could have bit him, but then it would have been the dog's fault. Catch 22. So, the sister (thank goodness she doesn't have the same a-hole genes) called the cops who arrested this guy and threw him in jail. When I was at the shelter, there was practically no punishment for animal cruelty, and that was a few years ago. So, this guy had the dog for 3 months. I hope this was the first and only time the dog was beat. I doubt it, but I like to think as positively as I can about this stomach churning incident.

So today I went to the humane society and picked up the little guy - and I mean little! He is only 20lbs, skin and bones. He wouldn't come near me until I gave him 3 treats covered in cheese whiz. Then he just started warming up to me. I took him to meet another volunteer who is going to hold him until he goes to his foster home. He is soooo skittish. I know he will be Ok eventually, maybe he will always be afraid of strangers. We will find him a great home that will cater to his special needs.

Good Luck sweet Sam, the skittish guy who covered me in kisses and leaned his whole 20lbs on me after a few treats and some reassurance. I will think of you often.


Mary said...

That just made me bawl my head off.... I know you didn't know me when I was in the group but when the words "cheeze whiz" came up that did it. That's the only way I could get my sweet Elsie Belle to eat anything for a long, long time. Claudia fostered her and she was the love of my life. When they say you shouldn't overly spoil them (or at least some people do) there was no way I wasn't giving Elsie everything to show her she was loved. For me she was the most skittish dog I knew.... broke my heart. She did learn to love life but really in her own home. She remained pretty fearful of the outdoors (she was a stray in Milwaukee so don't know if that had anything to do with it) but also when her family knew she was at animal control they didn't want her back. Good grief, can't imagine... She was the sweetest dog imaginable. She hung her head and would hardly eat even though underweight. Sorry, don't mean to go on but I know how your heart feels.... it's so sad to see these dogs be so abused and hurt inside and out. Sending my love to Sam....

Marginwalker said...

Hey Sister! Thanks so much for helping rescue the poor guy and for managing to not kill the person who did this to him. Yargh! Thanx too for visiting my blog and your encouragement...it's been a bad week for me, but I'm going to my meeting no matter what. We'll get through it, I promise, we just have to keep going.

Midask9 said...

Not sure if you check down yonder for additional comments - if I don't hear back I will shoot you an email or something clever like that - how is Sam doing? I picked him up from ECA-Sun Prairie after his owner surrendered him - he is a sweet boy.