Monday, May 26, 2008

For the love of MONA!

Mona was our first foster. She was a good dog, though she barked, ALOT. She was previously a rescue and was being returned due to the owner having to move into senior housing and Mona exceeded the weight limit. So we got Mona in August 2004. Mona got along great with all dogs. She was sweet, loved attention. One time I was out in the yard with the dogs and the neighbor was out with her dog and Mona felt compelled to meet the neighbor dog so she scaled the 4 ft chain link fence. Did I mention that she was 7-8 yrs old? Anyway the activity was so strenuous on her that as soon as she got to the neighbor's yard, she had to go no. 2. I felt kind of bad, so I ran over to clean up the mess. Well, I believe not too long after that she scaled the fence again looking for the neighbor dog.

So, we had Mona for a total of 8 months before she went to her forever home. The adopter's daughter came to pick her up, as he only lived a few miles from me, and I said, "bye Mona, I will miss you" and she didn't even turn and look at me. If she could talk she would say "Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub and smell ya later!" A wonderful retired man adopted Mona. They were 2 peas in a pod. Mona would protect him, sleep with him him in bed, play soccer in the yard while he coached her, she would step on his oxygen tube. They were meant to be together. Well, I think less than a year later I got a phone call from the adopter's daughter. She had to put Mona to sleep. Mona had Lymphoma and was not doing well. I was so sad, but very glad that Mona was able to be in her true forever home, enjoying the retired life before it was her time. Her adopter was devastated - he loved Mona so much, I completely understood. He wanted another senior Boxer from us - eventually he adopted Bryn. She came into rescue and gave birth to 8 puppies, Bryn was a senior girl - we were glad for her that this was it - no more puppies for her. He teats were all wrung out from all the litters. She went to join the retired life as well. Then, in year or so, I got an e-mail that her adopter was not doing well and we all hoped he would pull through. He did not and passed away shortly after. I was very, very sad. He was such a wonderful man and so generous, his daughter is such a wonderful woman as well. the apple does not fall far from the tree. Bryn now lives with his daughter. She is a lucky dog, though I am sure she misses him all the time.

In other news, the fosters are doing well. Lancer is as sweet as ever, no breaking out of the crate at all lately. Bert is really doing well. He is feeling better, less itchy, less drinking, more wiggling. I think, actually I know, that everyone is enjoying the weather. Today it is absolutely beautiful outside! Last night I was a little scared, there were tornado warnings and I was at a friend's house watching their dogs, as they had to travel out of town unexpectedly. I wasn't watching the news, I was watching all season 1 and 2 episodes of Dexter. the storm was loud and windy, but it blew over pretty quick. Also, A and I are watching Riley, another friend's dog, while they are out of town for the weekend. Riley LOVES hanging out here, he is an only dog. He and Lancer have been playing non-stop. He also engages Sadie in lots of play and even Bert likes him; Bert gives him kisses all the time.

I am quite worried about tomorrow. We are having alot of work done on the house in the next few months and tomorrow the demo for all the new siding begins. A and I both have to work, so we are thinking that we have to crate the dogs in the basement tomorrow. I mean, then they won't go nuts, well, will be less likely to go nuts all day while the crew is here removing all the old siding.

Well, its been a weekend about dogs, dogs and more dogs. I am beat - lots of naps helped. Wish up luck for the siding tomorrow! :)


Alabaster Mom said...

Awwww, Mona. She was a good girl. I named her after my sister!

Mary said...

Hi!! Found you on Claudia's blog and since I'm an ex-foster mom I love reading about your dog stories. I remember Mona.... I don't know why... but I just remember her being a sweet ol' soul even though I never met her. Thanks for taking care of those sweett puppers!! Hope to get back into it when my Grandson (whom I have 3 days a week) gets just a bit older, I miss those kids!!;)

Drasch23 said...

You made me all sniffly. Mona.