Sunday, June 29, 2008


WARNING: DO NOT READ WHILE EATING unless you have a strong stomach.

Chubbs came to us because a family who was renting a home had to move out due to the recent flooding in Wisconsin. He is a poorly bred guy, and around 4 years old. He is named Chubbs from his previous owners for a reason. He is pretty fat! All he does is pant like crazy. I guess that it doesn’t help that it has been pretty warm and humid outside lately and conveniently something is wrong with our air conditioner. Well, according to the previous owners, Chubbs have never been crated. To not complicate matters, we have to keep Chubbs gated in the hallway while we are at work. Well, he came to us on a Friday night. All weekend was fine – no big worries. He growled at Sadie a few times, and maybe once at Bert. Then Monday rolled around, the first long workday where he had to be kept in the hallway. I got home from work before A, usually he gets home first but he had a long day at work. I walked in the house, looked for Chubbs, he greeted me in the hallway, but I saw our bedroom door open. Well, apparently I had not closed the door good enough and he pushed it open. He laid on our bed all day. If that isn’t bad enough, I noticed blood all over the white sheets and drops of blood on the floor. I looked all over Chubbs and didn’t see anything wrong with him – and then I saw blood on his butt. Ick! He wouldn’t really let me get close enough to look. So I called the vet. It was going to be tough for me to take him in that night, I had a work dinner to attend in just a few hours from when I got home. But, I was worried about him, so I took him in. And am I glad that I did. He has an anal gland abscess. It is pretty icky. It is a hole, pretty big one, where his anal glad is and it is infected and bleeding. It is due to lack of expression – it could also be due to lack of cleaning, as he is a portly fellow and cannot get back there to clean up. Mmmm, just what you wanted to read, right? So we got home with our various ointments, antibiotics and pain meds and I made it to the work dinner on time. It is a slow road to recovery for him and if it doesn’t heal with what we have now, he may have to go under and have his glands cleaned out and medicine infused in the glands. I mean, this infection could lead to some serious issues if not taken care of properly. I will keep you posted. I hope that Chubbs gets down to a healthy weight and finds his forever home. He is a sweet guy. Pics to follow!

1 comment:

Mary said...

I bet you were just tickled pink... about your bed that is! While I never had a foster dog with that problem I'm pretty sure I'm glad I didn't. It sure doesn't sound like fun for Chubbs either. Wishing him to get better! I do remember though a foster dog I had who was limping and we really didn't know why. When I brought her in the vet said the vein was missed for the anesthesia (when she was spayed) and went into her tissue. Well low and behold it ate the tissue to pieces and it was sort of I should say really gross. The tissue was eaten away down to her bone and it basically had to heal from the inside out slowly but sure. It ooooozzzzed like crazy and was hard to keep covered. Bless Selena and Jeff's heart for adopting her...;)