Tuesday, January 29, 2008

BOB, oh how I miss him

BOB (shown above), the love of my life, well, the foster of my life, my number one. The most perfect Boxer for me (besides Sadie) is on my mind lately. I think because my current foster, Humphrey is my number 2. Well, BOB, heres the BOB story. I met another rescue volunteer to pick up BOB. He was taken from a shelter in Milwaukee. When I met BOB, we hadn't given him a name yet, so my friend said, "y'know I think he looks like a BOB". So, thats how he got his name. BOB was the best foster I have ever had. I fell in love. He was handsome, well behaved and we had this spark between us. I had this feeling that I needed to be with him forever. I asked A if we could adopt him. A said if we did, we would not be able to foster anymore. We couldn't afford it.... I was heartbroken and cried for 2 days. Well, thankfully a good home came along and adopted him. I bawled all the way home, after dropping BOB off at his new home, which was a good hour and a half. BOB looked so sad when I left, I could hear him whining. I felt so bad, thinking I had this bond with him and now I was leaving him. I felt like his new person wasn't good enough, didn't have enough love that he needed, even though he was. His new owner called and said that BOB had been peeing all over the house. Then, I heard nothing for years. I contacted BOB's owner a few months ago, and he e-mailed me back and said that BOB was doing great. Now, I know you may be thinking that I probably feel that way about all my fosters, but I definitely DO NOT! I have only cried hard for BOB. I have had tears for a couple of fosters as I drive away, but they last a few minutes. Nothing like the BOB crying. And BOB wasn't even my first foster.

Well, what makes me want to write about BOB, he reminds me of Humphrey. Not in the physical appearance or even personality but just the connection. And that Humpy is my number 2. He melts my heart because his head is crooked, his tongue sticks out, he is blind in one eye. I cannot imagine the life he had before the shelter, where I picked him up. He just loves life, he has a thing for me. A just mentioned how every time he comes home from work (usually before me) Humpy runs to the door to see if I am here too. When I come home, Humpy spring up in the air like a bucking bronco about ten times before I work on settling him down. I feel like he needs me, he lives to be with me. I think its just because he is handicapped, in a way. I will always feel a special connection with Humphrey; I still do with BOB.

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